France and Germany are pleased to announce a call for proposals for joint R&D projects focusing on developing innovative products, processes, or technology-based services in all technological and application areas which have strong market potential.

The French Public Investment Bank Bpifrance and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) will provide access to public funding for joint projects. Bpifrance is a French investment bank. It was a joint venture of two public entities: Caisse des dépôts et consignations and "EPIC BPI-Groupe". In Germany the projects will be funded through BMWi’s ZIM programme (Central Innovation Programme for SMEs). Bpifrance and BMWi (Coordinator: AiF Projekt GmbH) will provide all necessary assistance to project partners during project proposal, evaluation and monitoring phase.

  • Submission deadline for grant proposals: 15 Oktober 2020.
    For more information and access to the joint project proposal form, please visit International calls/France.
  • A free webinar on the German-French call for proposals takes places on 9 September 2020 at 11 am.
    For more information and the registration link, please click here.


It is highly recommended that each interested partner (companies and research institutes) contact their local funding agency before starting to fill in a project application (in Germany: AiF Projekt GmbH, project management agency for BMWi).

To encourage partnerships between German and foreign companies, BMWi and several ministries and funding organizations from various countries have launched a number of bi- and multilateral funding agreements to support joint R&D projects. All project partners must submit a separate application to the relevant national funding scheme. German applicants, who are eligible for funding under ZIM, benefit from a 10% increase in funding when applying for a transnational cooperation project.